Mumbai: Not just politics, chief minister Devendra Fadnavis’ talents lie in the field of dance too. In a video released by T-series two days ago, Fadnavis and his wife Amruta can be seen swaying to a song that calls for support to save Mumbai’s four rivers — Poisar, Dahisar, Oshiwara and Mithi. Called ‘Mumbai river anthem’, the song features Amruta singing with playback singer Sonu Nigam.
Not just politics, chief minister Devendra Fadnavis’ talents lie in the field of dance too. In a video released by T-series two days ago, Fadnavis and his wife Amruta can be seen swaying to a song that calls for support to save Mumbai’s four rivers — Poisar, Dahisar, Oshiwara and Mithi. Called ‘Mumbai river anthem’, the song features Amruta singing with playback singer Sonu Nigam.
State finance minister Sudhir Mungantiwar, Mumbai civic commissioner Ajoy Mehta and Mumbai police commissioner Datta Padsalgikar also make appearances in the video, parts of which have also been shot at the CM’s official bungalow, Varsha.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) criticised Fadnavis for featuring in the video. “It is shocking. The chief minister, the police commissioner and municipal commissioner are used as props to promote Amruta Fadnavis’ singing career?” said a post on its Facebook page.