Riding high with the success of ‘laila main laila’ number in Raees, Sunny Leone is back to sizzle again with her sexy moves. Sunny Leone’s new special number is here again which also features Emraan Hashmi. The song ‘Piya More’ from upcoming film ‘Baadshaho’ released online on Tuesday morning. While sharing the video, Sunny wrote, “#PiyaMore with @emraanhashmi in @milanluthria’s @Baadshaho, the most Indian song I’ve ever done! Check it out now!”
The peppy number is a little over two-minutes which is a delightful mix of Hindi and English lyrics. For the uninitiated, a topless Sunny is sure to take your breath away swaying to the track in a liquor barrel. The song doesn’t lack the oomph factor and is bound to get your hearts racing in no time.
Sung by Mika Singh and Neeti Mohan, the song is penned down by Manoj Muntashir.
‘Baadshaho’ which also stars Ajay Devgan, Ileana D’Cruz and Esha Gupta, hits theatres on 1 September 2017.