Making a biopic on the life of a celebrated figure is no mean feat. However, Marathi cinema has done that with great success. The latest one to hit the theatres is Ekk Albela, Shekhar Sartandel’s film on the life of Bhagwan Dada. The trailer takes you back to the days when Bombay was the hub for aspiring film-makers from across the country. Mangesh Desai infuses life to the role of Bhagwan Dada, who was popularly known as India’s first dancing and action star. He is shown as a man passionate about films and who would do anything to get his dream project on role. The manner in which he shares his fundas for acing the dance steps is hilarious.
We have seen Vidya Balan as Geeta Bali and here we see how a relentless Bhagwan pursues her to act in his film, Albela that boasts of the evergreen classic, Shola Jo Bhadke. The actress plays her part of the slightly haughty diva to perfection.
Watch the trailer here
Also watch Shola jo Bhadke song.