Passengers on an Air India flight were left upset after water started to leak through the overhead bins of the flight. A video capturing this incident was shared on X by the user @baldwhiner. Since being posted, it garnered widespread attention on social media.
“Air India. Fly with us, it’s not a trip… it’s an immersive experience.” wrote @baldwhiner in the caption of his post. The video he shared shows several passengers resting on one side of the plane while the other end is completely empty as water is dripping down from the overhead bins. At the end of the video, the captain of the flight addresses the issue of water leakage.
Air India ….
fly with us – it's not a trip …
it's an immersive experience— JΛYΣƧΉ (@baldwhiner) November 29, 2023
This post was shared on November 29. Since being posted, it has gained more than six lakh views. The video also has close to 5,000 likes and numerous comments.