Nagpur: Western Coalfields Limited (WCL), Nagpur based Miniratna PSU has revived its Ancillary Policy to boost the growth and development of local Industries.
In absence of proper government guidelines, the term of WCL ancillaries was not extended since 2011. New MSE policy was formulated by government in 2012. However, these local small scale industries were unable to compete due many reasons like small scale, high power and input cost in Maharashtra, some of them were catering to only the specific needs of WCL and hence were facing severe crisis of closure. After due consultations, WCL decided to revive the Ancillary Policy, considering the plight of local small scale industries around its command area.
The Policy framed by WCL includes purchase preference up to 30% to ancillaries in Maharashtra and other benefits like exemption of earnest money deposit, waiver of tender fees, etc.
To educate & promote participation of ancillary and small industrial units, officials of WCL in association with MSME Development Institute, Nagpur visited the local Industrial areas.
Applications were invited from earlier ancillaries as well as other local small scale industries for getting the ancillary status. Twenty-three firms applied and have been granted the ancillary status. Number of ancillaries may increase on further receipt of applications. All the details regarding ancillary policy including the list of items covered is given on WCL’s website.
The attempt to support local industriesby WCL for spares, consumable, services and repairs is a step towards “Make in India” and “Make in Maharashtra”.Local Industrial Associations have appreciated this positive move of WCL.