WhatsApp is working on adding a bunch of new features to its platform. We know that it is planning to add frequently forwarded and forwarding info features to tackle the spread of fake news on its platform. We also know that it is planning on rolling on dark mode on to its platform. And now word is that the Facebook-owned social messaging app is planning to add a consecutive voice messages feature to its app.
The news comes as a courtesy of WABetaInfo, which actively tracks developments in WhatsApp. As per the report of the blog, WhatsApp is working on adding a consecutive voice messages feature to its Android app that would enable users to play consecutive voice messages automatically. The feature is available as a part of WhatsApp Beta for Android 2.19.86. And in case you want to check if the feature is working for you, you can ask your friend to send you two voice messages. Play the first voice message and if the second one plays automatically, the feature is available for you.
But that is not the only feature that is WhatsApp is planning to bring to its Android app. The social messaging app is also planning to bring the second version of its picture-in-picture (PIP) mode, which allows users to watch YouTube, Facebook and Instagram videos within WhatsApp, to its Android app.
The first version of the feature, which is available on the app right now, doesn’t allow users to switch from the chat window without closing the video. The second version of the feature that is in the developmental phase right now overcomes this limitation by allowing WhatsApp users to watch videos in the PIP mode even when WhatsApp is running in the background.
This feature, as mentioned before, is still under development and once ready, it will be available for smartphones running on Android 8.0 Oreo and newer versions of Google’s mobile operating system. However, there is no on when the feature will be rolled out to the main app yet.
Apart from this, the company is also planning to add an authentication feature to WhatsApp that would enable WhatsApp users to natively lock the app using their fingerprints. This feature is available as a part of WhatsApp beta for Android version 2.19.83.