Biographical films centered on the lives of politicians have frequently been criticized for their potential to serve as either propaganda pieces that either tarnish or sanitize their public image. Joining this trend is the debut of the biographical film dedicated to Nitin Gadkari, a movie that delves into the journey of the prominent BJP leader, with a particular focus on his significant contributions to the development of road transport and highways throughout the nation.
The title of Nitin Gadkari’s biopic is simply “Gadkari.”
The casting of the lead role in the film has not yet been officially disclosed, and intriguingly, the poster deliberately conceals the actor’s face. Speculation has arisen, with one user suggesting, “Heard they rejected megastar Akshay Kumar after consecutive solo flops.”
The movie is slated for a theatrical release on October 27, with the trailer’s launch anticipated in the near future.
As for the plot, the film will chronicle Gadkari’s life journey, from his days with ABVP to his ascent to the position of PWD minister and beyond. It’s worth noting that the creators of the film hail from Nagpur, the constituency that the Maharashtra-based Indian politician represents in the Lok Sabha. Inspired by the transformations they witnessed in Nagpur, they conceived the idea of producing a film about him. Notably, the film will avoid delving into any controversial aspects of Gadkari’s life, and instead, its insights have been gleaned from accounts provided by friends and acquaintances.
The director of the film is Anurag Rajan Bhusari, while Akshay Anant Deshmukh serves as the producer.
Nitin Gadkari’s biopic has been crafted in Marathi, with plans to release it in Hindi and other languages as well.