Nagpur: In the high-profile Ram Jhula hit-and-run case, the High Court has sought a response from the state government after a petition was filed by Shahrukh Mohammad, the brother of the victim Mohammad Atif, requesting the transfer of the investigation to the CID. The petition raises concerns over the impartiality of the current investigation, citing several irregularities.
During the hearing, after both sides presented their arguments, the court directed the state government to provide its stance on the matter. Despite senior government lawyer Deven Chauhan defending the government’s position, the court has adjourned the hearing until Friday. The petitioner has been advised to gather concrete legal evidence, while the government has been asked to submit a detailed report on the incident.
Petitioner’s Concerns Over Police Investigation
– Sub-Inspector Parshuram Bhawal from the Tehsil Police Station was the first to arrive at the scene of the accident.
– Instead of arresting the accused, Ritika Malu and Madhuri Sarda, he allegedly helped them flee the scene.
– Ritika’s husband was informed by phone, and attempts were made to destroy evidence.
– The police inspector at Tehsil Station reported the incident at 4:30 AM, but the FIR was only filed at 9:31 AM, omitting crucial details.
– Eyewitness statements were not promptly recorded.
– Blood samples were taken six hours late, showing lower alcohol levels in Ritika’s system.
– Despite complaints to the Commissioner, no action was taken.
Ongoing Proceedings
Arguments have continued from both sides, with the government side completely rejecting the petitioner’s claims, insisting that the police followed all procedures according to the law. New revelations are expected in the next hearing scheduled for Friday.
The Incident
The incident occurred on February 25th on the Ram Jhula bridge in Nagpur. Ritika Malu allegedly drove her car recklessly under the influence of alcohol and collided with a scooter, resulting in the deaths of Mohammad Hussain Ghulam Mustafa and Mohammad Atif Mohammad Zia.