Nagpur News: Minister of State for Home Satej D. Patil assured the Assembly on Friday that liquor license of the Caramel Lounge – the upscale bar and restaurant in bustling Sadar area in Nagpur – would be terminated in another 24 hrs. The police had on July 20 last, conducted a raid on Caramel Lounge and detained youths partying there. Most of the youths were under age and were found in utmost inebriated condition. Even a daughter of local politician was said to have been detained in the action but was let off soon after.
It was in December itself the local Police Department wrote to the District Collector for canceling the bar license of Caramel Lounge. The action is still pending in this regard. Patil said that the stern action would be initiated against the erring owner shortly. Commenting on Patil’s assurance Leader of Opposition pointed out that State’s Home Department was reluctant to act in the matter and was trying to save the accused.
Then Assembly Speaker Dilip Walse Patil pulled up Patil for alleged callousness of his department while handling the concerned case. The Speaker also asked why the action has been put on hold despite the entire information is updated.
Replying to this, Patil assured the Speaker that bar licence of Caramel Lounge would be terminated in next 24 hrs.
The food license of this Lounge was already suspended after the police raid.