Published On : Wed, Aug 26th, 2020

Wockhardt Hospital Nagpur treats nearly 200 COVID cases


no frontline worker tests positive

Nagpur: After treating around 200 COVID-19 cases in the city since its beginning, Wockhardt Hospital Covid unit stands further determined in its fight against this global pandemic. In a short span of one month and few days, Wockhardt Hospital Nagpur’s COVID unit has successfully treated several cases.

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What makes this a landmark is that none of the staff members, fighting in the frontline have been tested positive. Due to the strict safety measures ensured for staff as well as patients, there has not been a single positive case among the staff members including Consultants, Nursing, RMOs, technicians etc.

It has been a month and few days since Wockhardt Hospital Nagpur roped in for treatment of COVID-19 patients and since then, patient satisfaction, proper care of patients, clear bifurcation of infected and non infected areas with very minimised amalgamation of these have been the key focus for ensuring victory in this battle. “We have dedicated isolation areas, clear guidelines for screening of visitors as well as staff, formulated policies for admission and screening of OPD patients to ensure that not just the staff but also the other patients coming for regular check ups are not infected in our Non-Covid Hospital”, said Ms. K. Sujatha, Centre Head. “In the dedicated Covid hospital, we take all the necessary measures for staff safety and make sure that patients receive proper care and treatment”, she added.

For prevention of infections the use of appropriate infection prevention and control measures by all health workers, with a special focus on the adherence to hand hygiene and personal protective equipment when caring for COVID-19 patients, as well as a combination of environmental and administrative controls have been ensured.

The hospital has strict Infection Control guidelines which are followed with extreme caution. A dedicated donning room, a room or area where a healthcare worker puts on PPEs step-by-step and Doffing area, where a healthcare worker takes off the PPEs have been created inside the hospital. A step wise process for both has also been put in these rooms to ensure maximum accuracy and no mistakes.

Donning and Doffing are the two processes which make certain that a healthcare worker is not infected. As an add on, the procedures are monitored by the infection control team. Before the hospital stared a rigorous training for the same was provided to all the team members.
Wockhardt hospitals commend the risk health care workers have put in fight against COVID-19 worldwide and hope that we all come out of this soon.
