Nagpur: In an outrageous incident, a 38-year old woman was abused, beaten and molested by three persons including a couple in Ganeshpeth area here on Sunday. For reasons, the complaint in this regard was lodged on Tuesday. The accused trio has been booked.
The 38-year old victimised woman, resident of Ganeshpeth area, told police that she was sitting on door steps of her house around 9.45 pm on Sunday. One of the accused, Pawan Nayak (35), parked his motorcycle right in front of the gate of the woman’s house. Irritated by this, the woman requested the accused Pawan to park his bike slightly away from the gate. But instead of heeding the request, Pawan started abusing the woman in filthy words, thrashed her and indulged in obscene acts and thus outraged her modesty. The other two accused named Sharu Nayak (30) and Nana Gaur (62) joined Pawan and caught hold of the woman’s hair and beat her up severely.
Ganeshpeth Woman PSI U N Madavi, based on the woman’s complaint, booked the accused Pawan Nayak, Sharu Nayak and Nana Gaur under Sections 354, 294, 506, 323, 34 of the IPC and started investigations.