Nagpur News : Ambazari police took into custody a woman, who along with her accomplice, attempted to rob an elderly woman in her house. The accused have been identified as Pushpa Aarik Daniel (46), a resident of Rameshwari, Ajni and Anita Joseph (35), a resident of Manewada.
Sumanbai Padmakar Bhope (69) was alone at her residence at Plot No. 236, Abhyankar Nagar at around 8.45 pm. Pushpa and Anita entered into her house and started threatening her. The accused pressed her mouth with their hands when Suman started screaming for help. They snatched her artificial gold bangles, assuming them to be real. But before they could make an escape, neighbours gathered hearing Suman’s scream. They were successful in grabbing Pushpa while Anita managed to escape.
The people informed Ambazari police about the incident and later handed them over the woman thief.
Cops have registered an offence under Sections 458, 393, and 34 of the IPC and have launched a massive search for the other accused.