Nagpur: A middle-aged woman died after falling down the stairs of Fortune Mall in Dhantoli area while watching the Ram Navami Shobhayatra on Thursday night. The deceased, identified as Santoshi Ramkishor Binkar (53), was a resident of Balaji Nagar, Manewada.
According to police sources, Santoshi, who had recently undergone a gallbladder surgery, had gone to Dhantoli with her family to watch the Shobhayatra. Her relative, Vijay Chotelaal Binkar (55), a resident of Navaneet Nagar, Wadi, insisted that she sit near Fortune Mall and watch the procession.
However, around 11.30 pm, a scuffle broke out between the Binkar family and some others over a minor manhandling incident. The matter soon escalated, and during the scuffle, an unidentified person pushed Santoshi. She fell from the stairs of the mall and sustained severe injuries. She was rushed to Ganga Care Hospital but was declared dead.
Based on the complaint lodged by Vijay, the Dhantoli police have booked the unidentified accused under Sections 304, 323, 504, and 34 of the IPC and started the probe.