Published On : Mon, Feb 21st, 2022

Woman ends life after hubby objects to speaking on phone


Nagpur: A married woman committed suicide after confronted byhusband for speaking for hours on a mobile phone, Hudkeshwarpolice said. The deceased was identified as Punam Manoj Mehta(31), a resident of Plot No. 4, Sadguru Nagar. Puman married Manoj,who runs a grocery shop, in 2010 and the couple have a 10-yearold son, said API Satyawan Kadam.

She hanged herself from a pole near the staircase with a scarf inthe intervening night of Friday and Saturday. The incident came tofore on Saturday at 6.30 am. Hudkeshwar police rushed to the spotand sent the body for post-mortem. “Punam’s in-laws had toldManoj that she was speaking with someone on mobile phone forhours on Friday evening.


This irked Manoj and he confronted her.As Punam had not revealed the name of the person, Manoj narrated the incident to Punam’s parents and brother,” said API Kadamquoting statements of Manoj Mehta.

Punam got depressed forManoj’s act and she committed suicide when the family memberswere sleeping, police said. A case of accidental death was registeredby Hudkeshwar police. The case is under active investigation.