Nagpur: Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) sleuths in Nagpur on Wednesday caught Sunita Nemichand Ghate, Talathi, Chacher, Tehsil Mouda, Nagpur district and Kishor Kisan Wankhede, Kotwal, red-handed while demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 2,000 from a farmer seeking to make necessary changes in 7/12 records.
The farmer had applied at the Talathi’s office at Chacher for inclusion of his name in ancestral agricultural land as per the will of his father. The accused Talathi Sunita Ghate (54) demanded Rs 3,000 from him to update the land records. After negotiation, she agreed to accept Rs 2,000 for the work. As the farmer was against giving bribes, he lodged a complaint with the ACB officers in Nagpur.
After verification of the complaint, ACB officers laid a trap at the Talathi office. After Wankhede (54) accepted the cash from the farmer and handed it over to Sunita Ghate, ACB sleuths nabbed both public servants and took them into custody. Soon, a team of ACB conducted searches at Ghate’s residential premises at Sanmati Bhavan, near Jain Mandir, Itwari. Similarly, another team conducted searches at Wankhede’s house at Chacher.
A case under relevant sections of the Prevention of Corruption Act has been registered against Ghate and Wankhede at Mouda Police Station.
The trap was laid by PI Shivshankar Khedekar, PI Praveen Lakde, constabulary staff comprising Sarang Balpande, Asmita Mallewar, Ashu Shrirame and Ahmed under the supervision of Superintendent of Police (ACB) Rahul Maknikar and Additional Superintendent of Police Sanjay Purande.