Published On : Wed, Jan 17th, 2018

Work Life Balance is very important for the Professionals : CA. Sarvesh Joshi


Nagpur: Day by day number of persons working in our office team is increasing and with this increasing team mates there are multiple skills which we have to learn and understand. We the professionals have to manage so many things in today’s world where the compliance level is increasing day by day. In this run of doing compliances, it is many times seen that we compromise our personal life because of the increasing pressure. It’s very important that we should know how to balance things happening in our professional and personal life said CA. Sarvesh Joshi, Vice Chairman of Western India Regional Council (WIRC) of ICAI. He was speaking as the Chief Guest at the Full Day Seminar on Advanced Management Development Program organized by Nagpur Branch of ICAI. He added that day by day we are facing multiple issues and problems in our day to day life. To take out proper solution, it is important that we should first understand the problem properly.

This will help us in getting and doing the right thing at the right time. The path of rose is very attractive and we all want to choose and walk on that path but it is important to think about the consequence which may arise and looking to the consequence we should select the path of thrones as well whenever required. We should not only be physically strong but also should be mentally strong to take bold decisions. As a leader, we are responsible for so many things and also answerable to not only our profession but also to our society as well.

In this entire process, give sufficient time to not only your profession but also to your near and dear one. We always try to update our knowledge by attending multiple seminars, workshops and conferences but we should know the importance of such programs which help us in learning new techniques which will ultimately help us in delivering in a better style and in more effective manner. He congratulated Branch for thinking out of box and for organizing such program which is happening for the first time in the region.

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CA. Abhijit Kelkar, Regional Council Member in his brief remarks expressed his happiness for organizing the program for members which will help them in understanding the management skills and will be fruitful to them in their respective areas. He also suggested that such kind of programs should be regularly organized in future which will help our members to get a better command over the required skills apart from the technical knowledge.

Chairman of Nagpur Branch CA. Sandeep Jotwani in his welcome address mentioned that nowadays almost in every office of a Chartered Accountant there are number of people who are working. When we wok in team, as a leader we should develop multiple skills to manage the team in an effective manner. Many times we complaint that we do not receive the necessary support from our team mates. Many people, who wish to have more and more team members, cannot do that because of absence of required skills. It is important for us to realize that if we really want to find solution to all these problems, do we have the necessary skills or do we perform our job in a proper manner. To equip the members and to explain the importance of management skills, the seminar is organized along with experts. He expressed that in future, we wish to organize a detailed workshop on the subject which will be more beneficial to our members and also to their teammates.

Immediate Past Chairman of Nagpur Branch CA.Swapnil Ghate co-ordinated the program whereas Secretary of Nagpur Branch CA. Suren Duragkar proposed formal vote of thanks. Ms. Anushka Karira along with Parag Dahiwele explained various techniques of advanced management.

Prominently present over the occasion were CA. Sanjay M. Agrawal, CA. Kirit Kalyani, CA. Dilip Lohiya and members in large numbers. ­­­­
