Published On : Sat, Feb 4th, 2023
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

World Cancer Day today: The deadly disease increasing among youths in India


Nagpur: On World Cancer Day today, February 4, medical experts expressed concern over increasing instances of cancer among the youths in India. Cancer is increasing significantly among young people. 54 percent of the total cancer patients are in the age group of 20 to 39 years. From this, it can be seen how tight the grip of cancer is around the youth. What is more shocking is that among these 54 percent patients, the number of patients in the age group of 20-24 years is up to 50 percent and the number of patients in the age group of 15-19 years is up to 20 percent.

Life became more dynamic during the decade. Stressful life along with excessive alcohol consumption, unbalanced and insufficient sleep, increasing amount of smoking, consumption of more processed food, obesity, unbalanced and stressful lifestyle, pollution in nature etc. cause cancer at an early age.

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Recently, the incidence of cancer has increased. If cancer occurs in youth-adulthood, the financial aspect collapses. Moreover, long treatment also consumes the patient’s time and money. Cancer insurance should be taken to avoid financial problems during that time. Thus, the financial aspect can be taken care of during cancer treatment.

Treatment is necessary in the initial stage:

If the patient reaches the doctor in the first stage of cancer, 90 percent of patients can live for more than five years. In stage two of the disease, 70 percent of patients have a life expectancy of more than five years. However, the number of patients surviving 5 years in stage IV is less than 30 to 40 percent. Therefore, experts say that it is necessary to give priority to treatment in the initial stage itself.

Avoid carcinogenic stuff:

“There are many causes of cancer including tobacco-smoking-alcohol. Yet people consume these things in large quantities. If cancer occurs at a young age, the whole family suffers. There is a strain on the health system of the society. In fact, consumption of carcinogenic substances should be avoided for the benefit of family and society”, stressed Dr. Nitin Bomanwar, Cancer Surgeon.

Adolescent cancer:

– Out of the total patients, the proportion of patients aged 20-39 is 54 percent

-Out of that 54 percent, oral cancer rate is 27 percent

– Breast cancer rate is 11 percent

– Stomach cancer rate is 8 percent

-CNS cancer 10 percent

In India, tobacco-related cancers contribute nearly half of the total cancers in males and one-fifth in females in India. The alarming growth of cancer cases are closely associated with lack of awareness about factors and symptoms of cancer, leading to delayed diagnosis or medical attention. With advancement in surgical techniques, almost 75 to 80 percent of cancer cases can be cured.
