Published On : Tue, Sep 13th, 2022
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

“YariHaiImanMera“ Was Super Hit Musical Concert- Dr S S Uttarwar


Rajni gandha Unlimited Nagpur has organized ” YariHaiImanMera “, Super hit Melodious a Musical concert at RajniGandha Studio , Laxmi Nagar , Nagpur.

RajnigandhaGphas given a musical feast to all viewers. Viewers shower their comments on the Singers and organizers. Huge no comments and compliments was there to the show. It was a house full show. It is unique program given byRajnigandhaGpfor journey of sweet Songs.

Gold Rate
Monday 17 March 2025
Gold 24 KT 88,000 /-
Gold 22 KT 81,800 /-
Silver / Kg 100,300 /-
Platinum 44,000 /-
Recommended rate for Nagpur sarafa Making charges minimum 13% and above

MrJeetendraPandavMrVinodBhoyar, Dr. Sanjay Uttarwar , a renowned singer from Nagpur and other dignitaries was present for the Event . ParineetaMaturkar , Arya Vighne, KiranKhorgade , Priya Gupta , TusharVighne,ShailajaBadhe, Shrikat Dixit, PratibhaKadu, Rekha Joshi, BalasahebAmbadekar, ManoharIyer, Raj Gwalani, HemantChandekar, Vijay Pande, GirishWazalwar, M V Pardhe, Ramesh Chaudhary, SachinMhaskar was singers who has performed during show.
Parineeta is a versatile singer who perform songs of various singers with perfection. Show was attended by majority of viewers from Nagpur .

Concept and organizer was ParineetaMaturkar,ShaileshShirbhate , and Anchor was Shailesh Shirbhate. Show was live from Rajnigandha studio. Dr. Sanjay Uttarwar, and other guests were present for the Concert .

Program starts with ” LAKHO HAI YAHAN Dilwale…, and songs BecharaDil Kya kare…, YariHaiImanMera…, Jayieyeaapkahajaoge…., AadhahaiChandrama…, Nile gaganke tale…, Sareshahar me aapsa…, Jarasazumlumai…, Merapyarwohaike…, AadhaaiChandrama…, Ye Rat bhigibhigi…., Na tum Hamejano…., Salonasasajan…, Achchajimaihari…And many more songs were presented by singers.

During program , MrShaileshShirbhate and ParineetaMaturkar, welcome Dr. S SUttarwar and other dignitaries and thank them for blessings for RajnigandhaGp. In reply Dr. Uttarwar highlight to achievements of Rajnigandhagp and extend his best wishes to them.

Organisers welcome all viewers for joining the program. Renowned people of Nagpurs musical world witness the program and extend their best wishes to Rajnigandha Group .

Anchor ShaileshShirbhate done his job nicely. He narrate various stories in connection with songs. Viewers gave thanks to ParineetaMaturkar and Team Rajnigandha for lovely organization and extend their good wishes for future of the them. Program comes to end at 9.45 pm and music lovers moves with euphoria of sweet songs.
