Nagpur: A young man duped a plot holder to the tune of Rs 5 lakh by fraudulently claiming that the land belonged to him. The accused took another Rs 4.10 lakh for a plot at another place but did not return the money. In all, the plot owner was cheated of total Rs 9.10 lakh by the accused fraudster.
The accused Nilesh Suresh Mittewar, resident of Anjali Apartment, Parvati Nagar, Nagpur, approached Sanjay Damodhar Borse (60), resident of Plot No. 25, Dattatray Nagar, and misled him that the entire 175 sq mtr plot situated at Mouza Dighori, Plot No. 292, City Survey No. 31. By misleading the 60-year old Sanjay Borse that the plot belonged to him the accused Nilesh demanded and usurped Rs 5 lakh from him. Moreover, the accused Nilesh took Rs 4.10 lakh from Sanjay for another plot at Mouza Dhavalpeth Asola but neither the plot was given to Sanjay nor the money returned. With this dubious means, the accused Nilesh duped Sanjay Borse to the tune of Rs 9.10 lakh.
Sakkardara PSI Netam, on the basis of Sanjay Borse’s complaint, booked the accused Nilesh Mittewar under Sections 420, 465, 468, 471, 406 of IPC and investigating the matter further.