Nagpur News: Another shameful incident has come to fore in Nagpur city, where a young woman was repeatedly raped. Leaving all their shame and respect for woman, a young girl was repeatedly raped in the public garden leaving homes, hotels, lodges after luring her with a promise of marriage. The young girl was raped repeatedly for a period between June 2013 to June 1, 2014.
The accused identified as Salman Razak Khan Sadiq Razak Khan aged 22 years, resident of Nalsa Square, Near Ganjakhet Square. This accused had lured a 22 year old girl Anita (name changed to protect identity) with a promise of marriage and had been taking her to Gandhibagh Garden where he exploited her modesty for one year. As a result of which, when she became pregnant, she was even forced to abort the baby. Even after that the accused was repeatedly convincing her of marriage and finally went back on his word and refused to marry her.
Even after repeated pleas, when the accused refused to marry her, the exploited girl went to Tehsil Police Station and registered a case against the accused. PSI Puri, registered a case under sections 376, 417 of IPC against the accused Salman Razak Khan Sadiq Razak Khan and is investigating further.