Nagpur News : Lakadganj police have arrested a person for duping 11 persons of Rs 31 lakh on the name of a company. The accused Shubham Kishor Kolhatkar (20) is a resident of Vyankatesh City. He opened an office near KDK College and pretended to be the Relationship Manager of Angel Broking Company. He promised the investors to provide 25-30,000 profit on every investment of Rs 1 lakh. The victim Meena Umredkar and other 10 persons invested money in the company and duped the persons of Rs 31 lakh on the name of the company.
When the company owner discovered this, he lodged a complaint with Lakadganj police. Cops have registered an offence under section 419, 420, 465, 468, and 471 of the IPC and arrested Shubham.