Nagpur News.
As an initiative for a social cause, a city college organized a Flash Mob at Futala Lake. Futala has been improvised so that families, girls can come and get to be a part of the pleasing Futala environment independently. But because of a few annoying people, this doesn’t happen. Girls, at times are reluctant to come here. So in order to overcome such activities, the venue of this flash mob was purportedly decided as Futala Lake, as a tribute to women empowerment. What’s more the initiative came at time when the world is observing women’s day today.
Crowd was seen enthusiastically becoming a part of, and enjoying this flash mob. Each dance number performed by the mob was appreciated and applauded. The shrill and amusing music added to the hilarity. Encouraging and entertaining words by the RJs present there turned out to be a big catch. Such tranquil dancers and the serene lake-side view attracted the eyeball of each passerby.