Nagpur: In a bizarre incident, a pervert 22-year old youth “married” a 13-year old girl and raped her frequently. The incident took place in Pachpaoli police area. The accused has not been arrested so far.
The accused, Jitesh Sanjay Namdeo (22), befriended the 13-year old girl, daughter of the landlord, residing in Pachpaoli police jurisdiction. On June 26, about 11.30 am, the accused Jitesh forced the girl to sit on his bike and took her to Tajbagh after her school was over. At Tajbagh, Jitesh put ‘mangalsutra’ in the girl’s neck and told her that they are now “married.” With this, the accused exploited the minor girl sexually frequently. But when the incident came to the notice of the girl’s mother she registered a case with the police.
Pachpaoli API Kose, acting on the complaint, booked the accused Jitesh Namdeo under Sections 376(2)(N), 354(D) and probing the matter further. The accused has not been arrested so far.