Nagpur News : Imambada Police arrested a youth for allegedly damaging Government property, on late Wednesday night. According to police, the incident took place when Rajaram Ramji Pathak (58), a resident of Bhandara and driver of an ST bus, parked the bus near Siraspeth School, in front of C P & Berar Education Society. Accused Akshay Ashok Petkar (26), a resident of Savitri Nagar, Plot No. 31, Somalwada, had also parked his Mahindra car (MH 31 ED 90) at the same place. Heated-up arguments started between Akshay and Rajaram Pathak regarding improper parking of the bus. Angered Akshay picked up a stone and broke the glass of the bus.
On the complaint lodged by Rajaram, Imambada police arrested Akshay for causing damage to Government property. Imambada police have registered an offence under Secs 341, 336 and Sub Sec 3, and 7 of the IPC against Akshay. PSI Kawade are investigating the case, informs PI Wadile.