Nagpur News: Ambazari police booked two youths for breaching the trust of a middle-aged man and stealing his BMW car on Sunday. According to police, Mohd Ismail Gulam Ansari (42), a resident of Government Press Colony, Plot No. 27, Dabha, wanted to sell his BMW car (DL 5 CB 3400).
Accused Javed and Tushar came to him regarding selling of his car. They asked for a test drive to check if the car was in proper condition. Mohd Ismail agreed. But the youths did not turn up after some time. Mohd Ismail called the two, for which they told him that the car has broke down and they were repairing it. When after many hours they did not return, Mohd Ismail again called them but their cell phone was switched off. He sensed that he was fooled and he rushed to Amazari Police Station to lodge a complaint against the youths. Cops registered an offence under Section 406 and 34 of the IPC, informed PI Katkade. PSI Ghode is investigating the case.