Nagpur: Cracking a whip on gambling activities prior to festival of colours, the Zone 1 cops led by Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Lohit Matani on Wednesday evening conducted a raid on Satta-Patti at open ground near Athwa Mile under Wadi Police Station. Besides apprehending 10 accused, cops seized cash worth Rs16,500 and other materials from the accused.
An offence under relevant Sections of the Maharashtra Prevention of Gambling Act was registered against the accused at Wadi Police Station.
Notably, Zone 1 cops have been on their toes to prevent any sort of untoward incident to ensure safe and happy Holi for citizens. Earlier, the cops also conducted prohibition raids in Sheshnagar and Erangaon villages under Hingna Police Station for making and selling country-made-liquor. Three accused were also arrested in this connection.