Nagpur :Amid the rising concern over the entry of the HMPV virus in India, another threat has emerged in the form of avian flu in zoos across the country. Following the death of three tigers in Nagpur, the central government has issued instructions to close zoological parks. It is likely that zoos across the state will remain closed starting tomorrow.
The closure comes after confirmed cases of avian flu affecting animals. The deaths of the tigers at the Gorewada Zoo in Nagpur have prompted the authorities to take precautionary measures, in line with the central government’s guidelines. Therefore, zoological parks in Maharashtra may be temporarily closed, with official directives expected by this evening.
Since it is a Monday, Nagpur’s Maharajbagh Zoo is already closed. Dr. Sunil Bawaskar, in charge of Maharajbagh Zoo, clarified that no signs of infection have been detected in any of the animals at the facility.